What I am working on right now - studio shot today
Does setting goals help you creatively or have you started 2020 feeling a little overwhelmed like me.
Can you believe we are in February already? I don't know about you, but it seems the more we try to fit into our lives, the faster it seems to go by. If I am honest I had big plans for the beginning of this year. I was going to be mega organised (not really me) and maximise my time to be more productive and try and stop procrastinating. I follow so many artists that seem to have their creative lives together and also seem to get so much painting done and make so many painting sales.
I have had a good start, for me, but i have to admit to feeling a little overwhelmed by all that is possible and what seems like so little time to achieve it all. I have at least 4 new notebooks with 'to do lists' on the go. I have even started an Excel workflow document! Every creative podcast I listen to seems to be covering goals for 2020 and I have to admit to have been a bit sucked into the panic of it all. Saying that I am going to give it a go and see whether it does make this year more productive. We will see how it goes! I came across this great app called Creativelive, which is full of short online courses to watch...I know, another procrastination tool, but so many great courses!! and so relevant. If you need to get oranised too I would recommend Workflow, Time Management and Productivity for Creatives by Lisa Congdon. I have followed Lisa on Instagram for years and have always been impressed by her success story.
At the end of 2019 reviewing the year gone by. This was a really helpful exercise because it has helped me realise what a great art year I had in 2019. Too often we fall in to the trap of forgetting all of our successes and only focusing on the negative situations we are currently struggling with. This also helped me to set some goals for 2020.
Here are my 2020 goals, not too ambitious, but something to aim for.
Be more productive during my studio time and create more work.
Book in shows as much as I can. I work so much better when I have a deadline to work towards.
Learn new networking skills to reach new collectors
Start writing regular blogs and connect more. Creating art can be a solitary business, especially for introverts comfortable in their own company. So here I am!
Experiment more in my painting and be brave enough to stretch myself.
Perhaps look at hosting some art workshops...totally out of my comfort zone, but it might be good....do you think?
Be happy being myself in my work...a constant process :)
Are you a goal setter or a fly by the seat of your pants kinda person?